Dorm Diaries: Tales From Mizzou

Extreme Dorm Makeover

“One night we decided to transform one of my friends’ dorms into a fort. We went all out and hung blankets from the ceilings and the lofted beds to make a huge fort, the kind of fort that little kids would be jealous of. Then, we watched movies and hung out in our fortress. It was epic. ” 
--Katie Diedhl, MU freshman

Unexpected Visitor

“It was my third night here at Mizzou as a freshman. I was up until midnight, and then I went to sleep, but I woke up to the loud noise of pounding on the walls. Then, someone started knocking on my door. My roommate jumped off his bed and answered the door. It ended up being a girl from our hall. The girl ran into our room and started running around and flailing her arms. My bed was lofted, and as she was running underneath it, she smacked her face on the edge of my bed. Then, as she tried running out of our room, she grabbed our trash can and tried to steal it. Luckily, my roommate grabbed it from her before she could take off. I saw her the next day in the laundry room. She didn’t recognize me, but I laughed as I noticed the red and bruised racetrack eyes and nose she had from smacking her face into my bed. ”
--Michael Minkler, MU sophomore

Do you have a crazy dorm room or college-living experience? Email us at, and your story might just be featured on the site!

By: Eva Lopez

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