Helpful Hints on How to Ace Your Next Exam

As comfortably cool weather slowly transforms into bitter cold, you know what that means: It’s time to start preparing for finals. With midterms just behind us, it’s hard to imagine conquering exams again … but don’t worry! CGM is here to give you some advice on how to tackle that next big test. Happy studying!

  • BREAK the chapters covered on the exam into sections. Aim for two to three chapters/topics for each section (depending on how many chapters are covered on your test).
  • SCHEDULE which days leading up to the exam you will work on those sections. Then, plan how many hours you will spend on each section.
  • FIND a comfortable study spot (e.g. library, coffee shop, common area in your dorm/apartment).
  • REVIEW your notes the day before your exam. This means, all your sections should be covered two days before the exam, so you can devote more time to reviewing your notes. 
  • RELAX and find some down time in between all your studying. Hit up the Rec, watch a movie on Netflix, give yourself a facial, etc. 

Study tips from MU students:

“Go through your notes from lecture, take out key terms and simplify their definitions,” sophomore Rebecca Gale said. “This makes it easier to remember them for the test.”

“I make a ton of flashcards,” sophomore Tiffany Melecio said. “I use them all the time, even while I walk to class, I’ll be going through them.”

If you're still not sure how to get started studying, attend TRiO's workshop "Preparing for Finals: A Four-Week Process" on Thursday, November 8th from 7-8:30 p.m. in Strickland Hall 204 on MU's campus.

By: Allison Shapiro | Image: Source

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, review is very crucial to prepare for exams. So I spend my time on reviewing carefully. And I also find the methods to review effectively. Using flashcards is one of my way. I recommend it because you can use flashcards on web version and mobile app anywhen and anywhere. I try some apps and see Superflashcard(!store) suitable to me. I work well and have schedule for me manage and improve my progress.
