How to Save Yourself from Sun Damage

Beautiful summer temperatures and extra free time can lead to hours in the sun. While time outside is great for getting the perfect tan now, harmful UVA and UVB rays may be doing damage that can lead to wrinkles and dark spots later on. It’s important to keep the protection of your skin in mind while kicking back in the sun.

Before you take to the boats or hit the beaches this summer, take a moment to protect your skin with a good sunscreen. More and more research into harmful sunrays has led to new developments in skin protection. Besides the obvious choice of sunscreen, you can also use foundations and primer creams with SPF in them to protect your skin every day. Whatever you prefer, here’s some of our favorites available for you in your local drug stores.


Poolside: Neutrogena Wet Skin SPF 85, $11.99

Regular sunscreens are great, but sometimes they don’t soak in well enough to stay on in water. This quick-dry spray allows the sunscreen to soak in fast, leaving you with full protection even in the water.

Everyday: Cetaphil UVA/UVB Defense SPF 50, $14.64

Even if you’re stuck indoors trying to make some summer cash, you should still be using a sun protectant. Sunlight can come in through the windows of your car or office and damage your skin when you think you're safe. This lightweight sunscreen also works as a primer under your normal foundation.

Sensitive Skin: Coppertone Foaming Oil-Free SPF 75, $8.07
Many sunscreens have oils and other components that can lead to breakouts, but even if you’re skin is too sensitive for most traditional sunscreens, you still have options. Coppertone has a great new foaming lotion that helps even those with the most sensitive of skin get quality protection. 

Don’t Forget Your Lips!: Banana Boat Sunscreen Lip Balm SPF 45, $2.19
Most of us remember to put sunscreen on our faces and shoulders, but what about our lips? The lips are very sensitive and just as prone to sunburn as any other area. Be sure to protect them with this great lip balm or any other SPF chapstick. 


Are you too forgetful to remember sunscreen? Make it a part of your daily makeup routine with a good SPF BB cream or primer! This new sensation is a great way to weave SPF protection into a product that will also help you keep your foundation set, even on your sweatiest of days. 

This BB cream incorporates a mixture of moisturizer and tint that will help your skin’s overall health and give you that beautiful summer glow.

This lightweight primer will help keep your foundation on through everything from laying out on the beach to sand volleyball with friends, all the while protecting your skin from sun damage.

Forgot the sunscreen? Apply plenty of aloe vera and skip the pool for a few days, and you’ll recover in no time. But remember every time you burn your skin, it gets harder for you cells to rebuild. Also, extensive sun damage has been proven to lead to sun spots and wrinkles, so protect yourself!

This article is a part of Candace's weekly column focusing on all the best beauty tips, tricks and news. 

By: Candace Rosen

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